
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lasting Impressions

As our time here in Bangkok draws to a close, I have some things I've been meaning to say that have been difficult to get out. I want to write about the things I will miss, mostly the people here that have made life in BKK such a wonderful experience for us.

First, I will deeply miss Kristy and Kaden. I don't think I've told you enough Kristy but I am so thankful for having you in my life this past year. We shared one of the greatest moments a woman will go through in her life. This experience is usually shared between a mother and daughter or sisters but because we found ourselves in BkK without our mothers we leaned on each other. I don't have any sisters so I thank you for being mine through this. It's amazing to me, that if you'd have asked me a year ago if I could have my first baby in Thailand I'd think you were crazy but with your strength, Kristy, and Gods grace I did! And how wonderful it has been to watch our babies grow up with each other. I will miss my daughters first friend and I will miss you sister.

I will also miss Marloes. You were the girl that arrived at the same time I did and we stuck it out together. I will always remember you as being the girl who was down for anything. You always went dancing with me at Australian Pub, even when I was trying to dance with my big pregnant belly! You dressed up at Halloween with me even though you don't celebrate and we were the only ones in costume that night! Oh I will truly miss your honesty and sense of humor. I love you babe!

Sarah, I am thankful God put you in my life. I have never really had a friend like you. I wasn't a girls girl, but I feel with you I grew into that. You were the first girl that came over to cook dinner for me and watch my baby while I slept. I never had a person(besides family) be so kind to me in a moment of vulnerability like that. And then you continued to show your kindness by babysitting just so Shawn and I could watch a movie. You are a very sweet woman and I thank you for that. It was wonderful going to church with you. You make me want to be a better Christian woman and I am forever grateful for that.

I will also miss AWC. Amy was the first person to introduce me to this world. I think she could sense my fear of the unknown and so she met with me privately to talk before I wandered into the notorious Monday coffee. I will never forget that Amy, thank you. AWC introduced me to women like Kristen, Kayla, Judy, Yvonne, Nev and Sara (just to name a few). I have had the pleasure of knowing these amazing women and hope to see you in the states or with the company. I was also introduced to so many women from all walks of life. I enjoyed learning your stories and always felt welcomed when I was around you. Thank you for being my family and always caring for me throughout my pregnancy.


Kristen and Sara, it has been so amazing to meet women from the same hometown, in the same company and living at the same hotel! Kristen thank you for welcoming me to Bangkok and Sara thank you for sending me off. I hope to see y'all back in Texas!

I will also miss my driver, Khun Natani (or as Shawn and I call him, Not-to-night!). No matter the hell I gave him he was always ready to take me wherever I needed to go. He was a very sweet man to us and our baby. So I will thank him forever.

Lastly, I will miss everything that is Bangkok. We have done so much here. Traveled to many countries, learned about many cultures, knocked some of the wonders of the world off our list. We've also played with tigers, elephants and monkeys. We've accomplished many of our goals and the best of all we are returning home with our first child. I'd say that we had the adventure of a lifetime here. And I take with me the memories, knowing that I have grown into a better person and now that I've grabbed a tiger by the tail and had a baby in a foreign country, I AM Fearless! So here's to the next chapter in our lives! Cheers!


1 comment:

  1. Angel its so beautiful that now days you can express your feelings to friends that you met and have to leave ... But continue to stay in touch into the future, that is an awesome thing. During my Army years I met so many Awesome people that I wish I could have stayed in touch with ... The only memories I have are in pictures I have tried to find them on Facebook ... In closing I and so happy that U were never alone in Thailand ... Shawn, your friends & Then along came Shanel Marie ... But we here back in America are anxious to see your guys come back HOME ...
